Defining Access of a User Group to Elements and Dimensions

Starting from the top navigation, click > Planner >
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In the Select user group drop-down list, select the group whose access to elements you want to specify.
If you want to set up access to elements that are available only in specific years, choose the year from the dropdown list above the element tree.
In the column of the selected user group, activate the checkboxes of the elements that the user group should access. Note:
Click the Plus sign next to an element to display any existing sub-elements.
The access is inherited by any existing sub-elements, i.e. if you activate an element on a higher level for the user group, all sub-elements are automatically activated as well.
If you want access to be restricted to specific individual sub-elements, you must first deactivate the checkbox for the parent element.
Note: A light-gray checkmark indicates that the setting has been inherited from the parent element.
Click on Save.
The Element Access screen opens.
The user group is displayed in the table.
The planning elements are displayed.
You have defined which planning elements can be accessed by the users assigned to this user group.

Starting from the top navigation, click > Planner > Dimension Access.
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In the Select user group drop-down list, select the group whose access to elements you want to specify.
In the column of the selected user group, activate the checkboxes of the elements that the user group should access.
Click on Save.
The user group is displayed in the table.
You have defined the dimensions that the Branch South user group can access.

Starting from the top navigation, click > Planner > Settings > Dimensions.
Click the pencil icon in the line of the dimension for which you want to set access.
Click on a free area in the Access Rights field.
Search and select the user groups whose users should have access to this dimension.
When all the required user groups are selected, click the Edit dimension dialog box.
Click on Save.
The Edit dimension dialog box opens.
A search and selection dialog box for all user groups is displayed.
The search and selection dialog is hidden.
You have chosen which user groups can access the dimension.